Commended - Landscape Photographer of the Year, 2018
Godrevy Lighthouse, St Ives, Cornwall
Technical details: Fujifilm X-T2, XF 18-55mm lens at 52.5mm, f 7.1, 10 secs at ISO 200, with Lee Filters' Graduated and Little Stopper filters.
Very pleased, and honoured, that this image, of Godrevy Lighthouse, near St Ives, Cornwall was Commended by the judges of the 2018 Take-a-View / Landscape Photographer of the Year competition.
It won a place in the Awards book and was displayed at major railway stations around the UK during 2019.
The Awards book - Landscape Photographer of the Year: Collection 12 - is available for all good booksellers!
The Awards founder, Charlie Waite, reviewed and commented upon this image - which can be seen here on the LPotY Twitter feed.